The Vietnam Family and Marriage Act 2014 has officially been
passed and will take effect from Jan 1st, 2015. The Vietnam law on
Marriage and Family in 2014 has the following notable update:
Same-sex marriage is not banned but not yet
officially recognized
The Law on Marriage and Family in 2014 abolishes the regulations
that “prohibit marriage between people of the same sex,” but specifically “does
not recognize marriages between people of the same sex as stipulated in
clause 2 Article 8 “. Accordingly, people of the same sex can get
married but their marriage will not be protected by law when disputes occur.
This is however considered a development in the law taking
consideration of the situation in Vietnam.
Marriage and family dispute lawyers
in Vietnam
Raising the age of marriage
The new law defined marriage age for women from the age of 18 or
more for women and men from all 20 years or older. The reason for this change
is because if the minimum age of marriage for women is just about to turn 18,
the rules are not consistent with the Vietnam Civil Code and the Civil
Procedure Code. According to the Vietnam Civil Code, person under
18 years old is a minor, as such requires the legal representative agreement in
civil transactions. According to the Vietnam Civil Procedure Code,
people of at least 18 years old will have full capacity for civil conduct
Surrogacy arrangement is accepted
The Vietnam Marriage and Family Law 2014 officially allows
surrogacy for humanitarian purposes. The surrogacy is applied only when
the adequate conditions for both surrogate mothers and intended parents
are met. In particular, the law only allows relatives from husband or wife
to be surrogate mother. This will also be considered as a development in
the Vietnam Marriage and Family Law 2014.
Assets division during marriage
Law in developed countries recognize the prenuptial agreement
which is signed between people before getting married. Vietnam law does
not consider marriage as a contract. In the meantime, the current
regulations of Vietnam Marriage and Family law are unclear on ownership of
common and private assets and properties. It mainly refers to land issues
while other assets such as securities and share ownership in the enterprise
are not mentioned, making it difficult to resolve the disputes arisen. The
Law on Marriage and Family 2014 specifically regulates the agreement between
people before getting married on the assets and properties. Such agreement
must be in writing, notarized or authenticated before marriage. This agreement
could be changed during the marriage.
We at ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam provide advice
and services on marriage and family laws. We could be reached at
office +84 28 730 86 529 or email
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