What is a Trademark?
A Trademark generally
refers to a “brand” or “logo”.
Trademark registration
can also be obtained for a business name, distinctive catch phrases, taglines
or captions.
Properly used and
promoted, a Trademark may become the most valuable asset of a business.
Trademarks such as Coca Cola, HP, Canon, Nike and Adidas serve as an indication
of origin of the goods as well as an indication of quality.
It is also essential to
obtain trademark registration for
the business name/trade name under the Trademarks Act. Registration of a
company or business name under the Companies Act does not in itself give
protection against others who might commence using identical or similar marks.
Use of TM, SM and ®
'TM' stands for
Trademark and 'SM' stands for Servicemark. The use of TM and SM symbols
notifies the public that the company is claiming exclusive ownership of the
trademark and can generally be used by one who has filed a trademark
The ® symbol, can be
used only once the trademark is registered and the registration certificate is
issued. Also, you may use the registration symbol only in connection with the
goods and/or services in respect of which the trademark is registered.
The registration process
is the same for both trademarks and servicemarks.
ANT Lawyers - A Law firm
in Vietnam is supported by a team of experienced patent, trademark, design
attorneys with qualification and skills handling full range of legal services
relating to intellectual property rights in Vietnam. We have specialized
in the preparation and registration of patents, trademarks and designs for our
clients. Please contact our lawyers in Vietnam for
advice via email ant@antlawyers.vn or call our office at +84 28 730 86 529
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