There are certain limits to get a trademark registration.
Here we can understand that what can be a trademark or what can’t be a
trademark. First of all you should remember that, if a brand name is not a part
of trading than the word can’t be a trademark, it means the trading is the
compulsory to get a trademark to be registered. In a simple words we can say;
-A trademark can be a name, symbol, shape, colour, tunes and
packing of products.
-A Trademark should not be a generic name, it means trademark
should be an invented or coined.
-A Trademark should not contain the words related to
religious sentiments.
-A trademark should not be conflicting trademarks with
others. It means the trademarks should not create confusion between two
-A Trademark that discrib the good or service and give the
consumer an idea about the quality, quantity or geographic origin of the
particular good or service. Descriptive trademarks cannot be registered.
Apart of all above there few more criterias that should be
consider before filing a trademark. Therefore you should contact to your
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