As regulation of law on
intellectual property, the mark, trademark or service mark, is one of protected
subjects of industrial property right. However, to be protected by law, the
owner of mark shall apply protection registration dossier to competent authority
prior. When the owner registers and is granted a certificate of registered
mark, the owner shall have the exclusive right to label the product, service or
both, right to allow others to use the mark throughout mark license contracts,
right to assign the mark ownership and right to prevent breaching action from
any third party.
The receiving of the
trademark registration certificate is not a final point in your trademark life.
To keep your trademark valid you must renew it every 7-20 years depending on the
country the mark is registered in. There are no limits on how many times your
trademark can be renewed. You can do it 1, 3, 6 times or do not do it at all if
you don’t want to use your mark more.
The renewal date is
indicated on the website of the Intellectual Property Office of the country
where your trademark is registered. The only way to know it is just to remember
this date. You can set a reminder on your phone or computer, print the date and
put it up on the wall or think out another method to keep it in mind. The main
thing is not to miss this date, otherwise, your mark will be canceled.
It might be easier if
you hire trademark lawyers in Vietnam to register your mark because he will
probably send you an email with the notification that it is time to renew your trademark.
Hope this help!
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