Registered Trademark
A registered
trademark is one in which the proprietor of the marks files an application
before the Trademarks Registery in the relevant class and is granted registration
by the Trademarks Registry. To get registration, the applicant needs to show to
the Registry that it's distinguishable from others and creates a unique
identity for the product. Once Registered, a trademark gets protection under
the Trademarks Act and the proprietor can sue any party using his trademark for
infringement and can also claim damages. When the trademark is applied, the
proprietor can add (TM) written in a small font on the upper right hand corner
of the mark. Once Registered, (R) can be added in place of TM.
Unregistered Trademark
An unregistered
trademark is one which is not registered by the Trademarks Registry. It may be
a case of pending for registration or it may be a case where the proprietor has
not filed any application for registration of trademark.
There are cases where some proprietors use trademarks which are not capable of
registration and they decide not to apply. There are also cases which which the
proprietor decides to use a trademark which is deceptively similar to a
registered trademark and the proprietor knows that it is almost impossible to
get registration. In some cases, proprietor doesn't apply for registration due
to ignorance of IP laws.
An unregistered
trademark doesn't have much protection under trademarks act. The proprietor can
only sue a third party for passing off and not infringement. The proprietor can
also not stop any other party from using the same mark. In short the proprietor
doesn't get any statutory protection but gets only some common law rights.
One can't use (R) with
an unregistered trademark.
ANT Lawyers is
supported by a team of experienced patent, trademark, design
attorneys with qualification and skills handling full range of legal
services relating to intellectual property in Vietnam. We have
specialized in the preparation and registration of patents, trademarks and
designs for our clients.
We are representing
and advising clients being multinationals, inventors, global partner law firms
serving their clients in IP works in Vietnam.
learn more about ANT Lawyers IP Practice or contact our Intellectual Property Lawyers in
Vietnam for advice via email or call our office at (+84) 24 32 23 27 71
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