Intellectual Property
Rights Pros and Cons
Your company’s name,
logo and even your products belong, well, to your company. In a perfect world,
that’s how things would remain. These are all forms of intellectual property –
you own the rights to that property (intellectual property
rights). However, this is far
from a perfect world. A quick look at the number of lawsuits revolving around
IPR should highlight just how easily one company can infringe on another’s
rights, even unintentionally. It also seems to make sense that if you have
rights to intellectual property, you should fight for those rights. Is that
always the case? Actually, there are quite a few pros and cons here.
Intellectual Property Rights
There are quite a few
pros to protecting your rights in terms of intellectual property. For instance,
patents, trademarks and copyrights all give your business
important advantages and incentives. Trademarks allow you to build your brand
and create a stronger company. That applies to every other company out there,
as well. Copyright ensures that a creator continues to own his or her artistic creation
(books, artwork, graphic design work, etc.). Patents foster invention and innovation, as well as encouraging
inventors to fully explain what’s being invented and how it works.
Intellectual Property
Rights Cons
While there are plenty
of pros in favor of protecting your rights, there are a few drawbacks here as
well. For instance, copyright can be given to works that truly don’t deserve
protection under the law, and patents can be given to frivolous things
(Amazon’s patenting of “pictures on a white background” is a perfect example of
patent frivolity). Other cons involve costs – protecting your rights can be
very expensive. Intellectual property
rights lawyers (IPR lawyers),
court costs, settlement fees, filing fees and numerous other costs can mount
very quickly, making protection of intellectual property rights expensive for
even very large companies.
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